All inclusive of these features.

What is included?

All-inclusive fee of just $800+GST (482/186), $1300+GST (188) & $1500+GST (132).

40-70 pages business plan

Professionally presented with graphics and images included.

Business concept generation

We can come up with a new business concept based on applicant’s business background.

Includes tailored industry data research

Sufficiently provides thorough understanding of the business and industry

Quick turnaround time

Completed within 7 working days.

Are you a migration agent or lawyer?

We provide discounts to migration agents and lawyers. Submit your order below and choose “Migration agent/Lawyer” or contact us for agent pricing.

Contact us for agent discounts

Order a Business plan here.


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Other reports and services.

Labour market testing reports

Market salary survey reports

Genuine position reports

407 Training plans

GTI Statements

CDR Services

RPL Qualifications
